What's in the Yard 04/28/2009

Good Morning!
I was talking with the mail lady the other day and she started to chuckle... "I never know What I'm going to see when I drive down your driveway!!"
I'm making a Big Bunny for the Country Swan in NJ, and I had her sitting on the porch of my husband's workshop for her photo shoot!
Here she is in her undergarments! Pictures to follow Fully Dressed~
Have a great day! It's going to be 80 degrees here today~ Heavenly!!

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Theresa Meloon  04/28/2009 
Great new bunny Cathy... sorry I've been missing your blog updates. I'm in NY visiting family. :)



Nancy M  04/28/2009 
Cath, Take that CUTE Bunny off my bench. That is my Bench to sit on, when I come to visit you. Maybe we could sit together and have tea!!!!!! 

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