New Pieces in the Midst 05/07/2009

Good Morning!!
Just thought I'd give you a sneak peak into what I've been working on lately~
Here we have "Liberty Belle"
This is "Yankee Doodle Birdie"
And I've got a few more ideas whirling to the workshop!
It's raining here...again...but, there is something really nice about creating in the comfort of indoors when it is inclement outdoors...does that make sense?
Have a Great Day

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Rosemarie  05/07/2009 
Liberty Belle's outfit would look wonderful on a bunny!!! I'm all about the you know! 

Cathy~Cheswick Company  05/07/2009 
Hi ladies! Barb, I think I will add Liberty Belle as a pattern. Look for her later in the month, as I am finishing some wholesale and special orders right now...Many always!

Barb Owens  05/07/2009 
I love your Liberty Belle...will she be available as a pattern?  

Theresa Meloon  05/07/2009 
I want to see more photos of Liberty Belle....she's beautiful. I especially love the ruffles. :) 

Nancy M  05/07/2009 
Yankee Doodle Birdie, will have to make his way to Congers,N.Y to visit the rest of his birdie friends. 

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