Working for the Web Update 06/08/2009

Good Morning!
Working for the Web Update for Thursday Evening!
I am really Excited about some of the New Pieces I've Created! I can't wait to share them with you :)
I would Love to show you the whole picture...But wouldn't it just ruin the SURPRISE?!
Now, Back to work! I have a BIG day planned~
Have a great day~

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sally m  06/11/2009 
can't wait!

Nancy M  06/08/2009 
Cath, I know that there is someone cute behind the flag. Can't wait until Thur. Love ya Nancy 

Theresa Meloon  06/08/2009 
Now see you've got me all excited about your update and now I have to wait for four whole days... you are a tease. :) The pictures are great by the way... they just give enough away with out giving to much away. LOL :) 

heidi Steiner  06/08/2009 
wooza! You are such a tease! I can't wait.

Barbara Melotto  06/08/2009 
What a tease! I think it is something for the fourth of July and I'm sure it is wonderful. Can't wait! 

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