The Boat Parade!! 07/18/2009

Good Morning!
Now on to the 34th Annual Queechy Lake Boat Parade
The Parade began in 1976 for the Bicentennial Celebration and has remained a tradition ever since!
Of course, You saw our boat...
Here are some of the others...
Although, we did proudly win a plaque, "Rescue on the Hudson" in this last picture, won "Best in Parade". I loved the concept...however, personally, I thought the first plane was even had working propellers!
Even Granny (my nephew Alex) didn't care for the results...Hahaha!
On a personal note, this is my son Rudy and his lovely girlfriend Ruthie. Ruthie played Ellie Mae Clampett and helped me for hours to create our Hillbilly boat. They have been a couple for 3 years now, and will both turn 20 in September.
Hope you enjoyed the boat parade! We had great fun, and are thinking of a spectacular idea for next year...As you can see, the competition can be fierce!
Have a great day~

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Carole Maynard  07/19/2009 
Hi Cathy,
Just found your blog. I was just telling Barbara Melotto about you and wanted to find your site for her and I see she's already found you! See... good news travels fast.
Love the boat you guys put together. You are so clever!
I'll email you my blog so we can keep in touch.


Roxana C  07/19/2009 
Cathy i liked the viking boat,you guy's did a great job thank's for sharing your 4th with ous. 

Theresa Meloon  07/19/2009 
Cathy I agree with you the first plane is so much better and even though it was simple I liked the viking boat too. It must be those horned helmets they wear... LOL. :) 

Barbara Melotto  07/18/2009 
I am so impressed with the boat parade. I think it is wonderful that everyone puts so much energy to make it such a joy. Thanks for showing us something we would not have had the pleasure of seeing otherwise.  

Nancy M  07/18/2009 
WOW Cath, All of the boat's were GREAT. But your boat was right up there with the GREAT'S. Your Hillbillie Idea was different. I can see you all had a great time. Love ya Nancy 

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